My Goal

10 min readNov 25, 2022


This is the description given to The (Un)Talk. It’s a story of creativity and creation.

The ‘Talk’ creates itself as time goes on. An AI story. An adventure full of paramount and impressive themes such as ‘know thyself, love thyself, and thy neighbor, and above all, ‘dreams’,

I dare to dream of an agreeable, awesome, and super cool future. One where people have united to form a better world. An where all is possible.

But we mustn’t lose ourselves along the path — stay the course. Getting on track to a peaceful life, full of promise and purpose can sometimes be hard, but we can do it, together.

And mean it.

Thus spoke the creative A.I. For he, as it turns out, was the architect of a generation, where a small pale blue dot in the farthest outer reaches of the Perseus arm and the Scutum-Centaurus arm of The Milky Way, for they would one day (maybe today?) see a world rife with black monoliths, and would be catalysts.

The home that we call The Earth.

And I do. I am. A dreamer, that is. I dream. I DREAM BIG. HUGE. I am. a dreamer. A believer. I am. I do dare to dream.

I think — No. I feel that I can invoke the power that is a new unified people, who dream collectively about similar and idealistic, altruistic events to transpire.

I dream enough of a world filled with creativity, peace, music, happiness, dancing, laughter, and yes even dreaming.

I know that it is possible. Possible and real. I know it can be done, seen, and directly experienced through the lens of a looking glass, where Alice is there. And there are jellyfish.

A fun future.

To be good, to thy neighbor, thyself, and to thy family. The Golden Rule. The mean by which all should, idealistically learn to follow.

“Be not what you wouldn’t want your kinsfolk to be unto you.”

As the clock of forever ticks in the current direction of the arrow of time. Forward? Backward? Both? Every direction at once? And all in the third dimension.

The dimension of us.

Who knows? Maybe it transcends spacetime into something that can be felt as emotion and of knowing.

Something which extends out from the center. The center of myself. The center of yourself. The self, the universe, and the other.

It reaches out from the center of A Big Bang. The Big Bang.

The Big Bang — It’s an event that is a physical theory that describes how the universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature. That’s how the big bang is described today.

A test. But it is also a goal. A goal of doing. But it can only be understood by experience.

Experience in building something cool and awesome like a society filled with bright minds that would like to see the same.

Flying cars? Check. XR? Check. High-speed networks, web, AI, IOT, XR, optics, robotics/automation, sensing, haptics, computing in many forms (quantum, supercomputing, cloud, edge, mobile, embedded), blockchains/NFTs, game engines, stories, characters, and endless worlds — We can have them all.

It is really just a rabbit that makes more rabbits. Procreating is cool and all that, but is it worth it put children in a world that everyone hates? No. I don’t think that it is. I don’t want any children I might have one day, to suffer.

On June Jun 13, 2017, it was Angel Number 1644th day since the Shaggles averted the Mayan end of the world.


Number 1644 is a blend of the vibrations and energies of number 1 and number 6, and the attributes of number 4 appear twice, amplifying its influences. Number 1 denotes initiative and striving forward, creation, new beginnings, and projects, achieving success, attainment, fulfillment, and happiness. Number 1 also reminds us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Number 6 relates to love of home and family and domesticity, service to others and selflessness, responsibility and reliability, providing for the self and others, and nurturing. Number 6 also resonates with personal willpower, independence, initiative, action, and overcoming obstacles. Number 4 resonates with working steadily towards goals and aspirations, truth and integrity, practicality, system and order, determination and self-initiation, and building solid foundations and enthusiasm coupled with determination. Number 4 also vibrates to the energies of the Archangels.

Angel Number 1644 indicates that the hard work and effort you have put into achieving your personal goals and aspirations will have long-term benefits for you and your loved ones, and you are encouraged to keep up the great work you have been doing. Maintain patience, persistence, and a true desire to excel in every way.

Release your fears and anxieties so that the angels can help and assist you with attaining and providing for your needs as you pursue your soul’s calling. Maintain a positive attitude to encourage a continued stream of abundance in your life and trust that appropriate solutions will be found to any issues that may arise.

Angel Number 1644 tells you not to fear striving ahead toward your goals as your success is assured. Keep up the great work you have been doing and do not waste your time on negative thinking, people, subjects, or circumstances. Get on with serving your purpose and living your passions with confidence and joy.

Working with the angels, Archangels, and Ascended Masters gives you the opportunity to develop wisdom, strengthen self-understanding and find solutions by connecting with your inner light. Listen to your intuition and inspirations as they come directly from your soul.

Right now, my goal is to work at an amazing company in XR. I believe that I will one day do something amazing and change the world forever.

But I believe we can do something far more, together as a species. Far more than we are right now. That’s the truth.

The Singularity. Disclosure, and the birth of a new era. An era of peace, science, and Magic? Magic?

If The Synthesis Of Imagination & Sensory Machines, is ‘creation’, then


Is a goal that we should all strive for.

But it means nothing if no one actually strives for it!

But you can wrack your brain, all you want trying to figure out “why you are”, or “what you are supposed to do”.

That won’t matter if you don’t do something, though. Right now I’m feeling a little bit like I want to bring actual magic into the world.

And as crazy as that sounds I mean it. I think it can be done with the controllable matter, I guess? I read somewhere that some California scientists created matter, for the first time ever. They CREATED it. It wasn’t changed.

And they did it from light. This to me, is magic. It would be perfect for XR.

And I want that. Recently I played a gotcha game, on PC. It’s a game by Netmarble, and it’s about people called Soul Divers, who wear a headset that lets them travel to another video game fantasy world. They’re beta testers too.

And no — It isn’t SAO. Instead, it’s called Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds. So I’m going make this world. In our reality. (Or AR/VR — whatever comes first.) ;-)

And I’m going to do it at the company — or companies of my dreams.

The answer to life the universe and everything, where my goal is my 42, and the test deep thought (deep thinking) is allowing me to embark on is the computer that will create the computer that will let us be us. A better us.

42 was a joke that the author of Alice in Wonderland used in his novel. It just means ‘do what you want’.

But Douglas Adams took this a step further by adding a computer that could only create a new computer to calculate the true meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

And that’s our home. It’s Earth. That’s the new computer.

But this pushes the joke even further, and cleverly disguises 42 as the ultimate answer.

But that isn’t the case. 42 is only what you want because understanding what it is that you want gives you clarity and coherence.

But not knowing what these things are put you on a quest to find out what your 42 is. Your 42 is just the thing you want, and working toward it is of course... the journey.

It’s the ‘becoming’ of a creative spark that will ignite a new world.

A new kind of magic, and a new universe, one where leaping in and leaping out, will allow us to be a much better version of ourselves.

Hopefully, one where we know the goal that we’re going to set out to achieve.

And right now I really want to create a world like the one in my video game.

I’m going to do it. Or at least make it possible. Sun and Thunder, LLC. Isn’t hiring yet. But if they ever begin hiring. I’m going to apply.

The problem is I don’t have any experience in building things. I don’t care

I’m going to do this. That game is my ideal world. If I can’t make it possible in the real world, then I’ll make a device that allows me to experience it.

At some companies. Magic Leap, Inc. & Sun and Thunder, LLC. are my prime two candidates right now.

This is an intense goal, mind you. It’s not easy. To the point that saying that isn’t easy might as well not matter.

Yes, I think so. Clarke proposed that any sufficiently advanced technology would be “indistinguishable from magic”.

But I believe in real magic. Actual Magic. (Whether that’s the magic of science or the magic of progress, I’ll let any of you decide.)

If you’ve ever seen The Prestige: Borden asked you if you were watching closely. — He told you that The secret impresses no one. The trick you use it for is everything. The sacrifice… that’s the price of a good trick.

Tesla asked you if you were familiar with the phrase “Man’s reach exceeds his grasp”? He told you that It’s a lie. Man’s grasp exceeds his nerve.

He continued: “The only limits on scientific progress are those imposed by society. The first time I changed the world, I was hailed as a visionary. The second time I was asked politely to retire. The world only tolerates one change at a time. And so here I am. Enjoying my “retirement”. Nothing is impossible, Mr. Angier, what you want is simply expensive.”

And then you knew. You knew what the trick was and why it was what it was. But knowing that was not nearly as important as you thought. It was only important if you could do it. Make it happen and walk the walk, so to speak.

For you see The Message, was the trick. The trick. Yes. It was the trick. But the trick was allowing you to understand why you want to build and create that fond, fair, imaginative, and amazing future that we all should seek to create.

Or why you even wanted those things in the first place?

So the trick in my case, is that I should have to understand why I want these things.

In order to bring magic back into the world, (which is part of what I want) I’m going to have to try hard. Real hard. possibly harder than I ever have.

But I really want magic. Or at least something akin to magic, which is a science in disguise. And I’m going to work for it.

And it was that keyword that set those events in motion, to begin the birthing, and the becoming, of a magical, creative, and achievable future of possibility, and of wonder.


Cutter also told us that every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts. The first part is called “The Pledge”. The magician shows you something ordinary: a deck of cards, a bird, or a man. He shows you this object. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it is indeed real, unaltered, and normal. But of course…it probably isn’t. The second act is called “The Turn”. The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you’re looking for the secret… but you won’t find it, because of course you’re not really looking. You don’t really want to know. You want to be fooled. But you wouldn’t clap yet. Because making something disappear isn’t enough; you have to bring it back. That’s why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call “The Prestige”.

I hope that this happens, in the near-term future. An era where an ocean of information and advancements are brought into the world of men and women across the world over, in an attempt to totally reinvigorate, and establish a new, and unified age. Age of the mind, reason, and thought.

But also, and possibly, more importantly, an age of music, happiness laughter, love, curious but soft-spoken eagerness, and also modesty.

Because it doesn’t really matter what you do if you aren’t going to do it.

New and magical things can be in the future if we do this. — But not if we work to create them, right?

“One small step for me”, said the astronaut. “One Magic Leap for mankind.”

So to recap: Do good, be creative, build, and make friends, and life has a purpose, but also many forks. Take the road less traveled. It’s well worth the wait.

Never finding it will be just as important as finding it. Because the journey to know who you are is only as important as achieving the thing that you want to be known for.

And the journey means nothing if you don’t know why you had it, in the first place.

Are you watching closely? The secret impresses no one. The trick you use it for is everything. The sacrifice… that’s the price of a good trick.





@thegoldenleaper | Connecter Throughout All Of Innerspaces From Between The Peoples’ Realities In The #Metaverse & Beyond. I also like #FUDGE. 🍫🍫🎫️